Written and Produced by the self-proclaim creator of "Attitude Era", the one and only (the wrestling failure) Vince Russo.
Rocky Mountain Pro is a very low budget/poorly produced "wrestling" show. It's literally insult to both wrestling and entertainment. I tried to watch some of the episodes and I can't stop fast forwarding it and even then I was constantly shaking my head on in-ring action and face-palming whenever a backstage skit came. The in-ring action was awful with no story-telling whatsoever while backstage skits were extremely predictable and dumb.
You can't even compare this to the "So bad it's good" movies of Ed Wood or The Room it is that much awful. Anyone who argue about the "greatness" of Vince Russo need to watch this show to get the clue how awful his writing style can be without someone filtering him. This show proves that Russo is a fluke and he has no place in wrestling business.