An unusual drama that follows the life of a young man who shows empathy with and generosity toward the elderly and infirm. He spends much of his spare time attending the local hospital, reading books to the patients, who eagerly await his next visit. He appears to have a great love of life, defending and protecting the vulnerable, even sticking up for an unpopular kid at his school who is being bullied.
His helpful and ebullient manner gains him the confidence and trust of the community. As events unfold however, it appears that his easy rapport and fixation with the elderly might disguise a morbid fascination with death, and that a darker spirit may lurk beneath his angelic exterior.
Beautifully written, performed and directed. The premise is depressingly awful of course, but nevertheless, the plot unravels in a believable way and pulls you in from the very start. - 8.3/10