-1 Star for a stupid opening, 'We're ruined! Ruined!!!'''''
Oh it picks up. Father Vincent knows how to take some confession. I tells you what!!!!
+1 Star for Confessions!!!!!!
The voice of the radio Host reminded me so much of R. Lee Ermey. I certainly do miss him so!!!!!
So far I'm seeing this is not a HORROR movie at all. But Mary certainly is one cool villain!!!
-1 Star for the 'confession' of the biker, her 'confession' seemed very fake......
Oh so I see the tie now to the opening. Psycho man became psycho man over dad's suicide over being robbed. Altho how a person can be completely ruined over 1 burglary of their home safe is beyond me. Don't keep all your eggs in one basket??? Always a simple simple rule to live by.
LOL...-1 Star for how Mary hooks up with the brothers as their assistant , so lame.....
Okay I guess the horror is in the group psychosis......
I love Mary's boots btw.
It's weird how everyone who uses a knife in the movie stabs in about the same spot. Little Trivial Tidbit.
The end was probably what needed to happen. Definitely didn't make 100% sense so it gets no bonus.