This is a story of a young man Kartik, who decides to come out to his conservative parents as gay. But beside being a coming out movie, thie film has portrayed many other aspects of a typical conservative Indian Family and the condition of the women there.
The story and the screenplay and the dialogues are so brilliant that while watching the movie, I felt like this is the story of my life. Felt like I'm watching me and my mother on the screen. The story is neither hyper optimistic - that shows being gay to be a widely accepted and welcome idea, age nor is this a pessimistic movie that focuses only on the struggles. This movie is realistic. As I'm going through the same phase as Kartik right now, I could really relate to all his emotions and they felt so real. I must admit that this movie has provided major strength to me to ascertain my decision of finally coming out to my parents.
This type of movies should be made more in numbers, so that they can influence a lot of people like us to live lives being themselves.