I love this show but ithe episode in France made me angry . Bit hypocritical / contradictory especialy as a previous episode Hailey met up with a Islam ISIS who had escaped by ... wearing a burqua. I love fashion and the freedom it allows individuals BUT ONCE RELIGIOUS BELIEFS ARE ENTWINED .... Dangerous and different meaning all together .
People leave their countries to seek a bette life AND ADAPT TO THE COUNTRY THEY MOVE TO.
I hate the burqua as it has nothing to do with religion and like most religions , hypocrisy rears it ugly head . To my understanding from information given to me by a good friend who escaped Iran and received punished and threats for not wearing the burqua . If it was JUST A PIECE OF CLOTH AS Hailey Gates and a guy she interviewed said ... why the drama and BS of religious beliefs ??
The burqua is a form if control and degrading to women and those who choose to wear it .. ok .. but stop provoking trouble in the country YOU NOW LIVE IN . If I ever went to the countries that they left , I CAN WEAR WHAT I WANT FREELY HAVE TO COVER UP TO RESPECT THEIR LAWS AND CUSTOMS ETC ! Cant build a catholic church or anything that goes against their beliefs . Mosques are alowex to be built EVERY COUNTRY WORLWIDE TO MY UNDERSTANDING .
Religion is in the heart and soul NOT WHAT TOU WEAR OR EAT ETC.
Stop double standards and using the burqua as an excuse for relgious beliefs . Its adding to the anger and fear that ISIS use through control , bullying and provocation and again to remind you THAT ISIS GUY ESCAPED WEARING THE BURQUA .
I loathe them and agree with banning them
Love STATE OF UNDRESS ... hate the burqua and the sympathy tried to gain from the banning of burqua MADE ME HATE IT MORE.