I don't think this is a spoiler. I have wanted to comment on many of the LMN movies for a while now. My problem with the majority of these movies is that they are made so quickly, and possibly cheaply. I believe, that there isn't a good amount of a beginning, a middle, and an end. I don't think it would be too hard to make an interesting movie. The background noise is so loud, you can't hear or understand what is being said. This movie wasn't too bad. However, so many are. I have actually turned the station, because of this annoyance. I remember talking to my 22 year old niece who also has noticed how loudly the background noise is in movies, and commercials. This seems deliberately done. I can think back to when this station started. The movies were good. I could watch them over and over again. Then, it might have been around 2009 to 2010, not quite sure, when they started changing. I am not saying some are not good, but not as many as there use to be.