After watching one bad science fiction film after another, I was pleased when I found Quanta - I was very impressed. It's apparently a micro-budget film and if that's the case then the team did an excellent job with meager resources.
This isn't an over-the-top film like a lot of others; it's obvious a lot of care was put into this to make it a story that could easily have been plucked from the real world. The attitudes and emotions of scientific researchers seems on-the-nose and the lab setting and experimental equipment looks like something you'd actually find in a university lab instead of a mad scientist's lair.
I'm much more a fan of realistic science fiction because the filmmakers have to craft a compelling story within much tighter parameters than with the more flamboyant films. Having realistic constraints keeps me "in" the story; those films where anything goes just don't have the same impact for me. Quanta kept me involved in the story for sure.
The acting is top-notch, as is the cinematography, audio and art direction. Quanta looks like a film an A-list cast and crew would create. I hope Nathan Dalton and his team turn out another film soon.