Why does everything need a franchise? What is so special about Hotel Transylvania to warrant a sequel and a T.V. series? When I first saw Hotel Transylvania for my fourteenth birthday, I thought that it was pretty fair and Mavis was cringe-worthily foolish as a child. And because I wasn't a big fan of the first film, I didn't know if I wanted to see the sequel.
This series is coming from a company that has never made a great animated film that I've seen from them. I caught the last 20 minutes of the first episode and the whole thing was just clichéd. It had lowbrow humor, a replaced voice cast when the original voice cast were okay, and an again, clichéd plot. I even want to say the animation is mostly bad but it's hard to get used to the new 2.D. animation.
This series doesn't seem to have anything to do with the sequel. Why do I need to know more about Mavis and company? They already showed her as a child, growing up, learning how to fly and I think that's enough.