This show is fantastic for anyone who like a tense slow burn character piece. There are definitely huge moments here, but they a few and far. This is a series best enjoyed as a whole. All of the main characters have huge, impactful arcs, that have them completely evolve by the time the credits roll on the finale. Beyond that it is a wonderful musing on religion, spirituality, and family. Definitely a must watch if you are a fan of slow but rewarding drama. I've seen a lot of reviews where the critic has given up after the first episode. All reiterate, this is a slow burn that needs to be experienced in full. Each episode carefully expands and twists on the last. The first episode serves to put all of the pieces into place, instead of lighting an explosion to draw you in. After 3 episodes I couldn't stop watching and now, I'm counting the days until it returns for season 2.