This film is hard to categorise; it doesn't have a plot as such and is entirely made up or clips from horror films or films which contain elements of the genre. As we are shown the clips a narrator tells of how, following an accident, she has thought about the nature of fear and how it is used in film.
I'm not sure what I think of this... it was just so different. I had no knowledge of it before watching and when I saw it recommended on the BBC iPlayer I assumed it was a standard documentary about horror films. If you want to be scared you are likely to be disappointed as most of the clips aren't that frightening and the fairly emotionless narration of Amy Watson is calming rather than frightening; something I'm sure was deliberate. The selection of films was interesting; many will be familiar to most horror viewers but there were also plenty I'd not heard of before. They are taken from the earliest horror films right up to ones made recently. Overall I'd say this won't be for everybody but I'm glad I watched it... I'd recommend it as even if you don't enjoy it you might get some ideas for films to watch in future from the clips.