This is an utterly stupid and boring movie, probably intended for an audience of children and young adolescents who would pay any price to see their YouTube idols on the big screen. I didn't expect anything good when I first heard that a group of successful German YouTube stars was making a movie, but I had high hopes for unintentional comedy. I knew they would be disappointed after watching the first five minutes of dull, uninspired rubbish. All jokes are based on stereotypes, silly word games or exaggerated overacting, none of them are even remotely funny. The writer must have thought differently about that since most jokes are repeated multiple times throughout the movie. The plot is basically nonexistent if all references to breaking bad and cheesy comedy scenes are subtracted. Watching bad movies to make fun of all the mistakes and bad dialogue is usually something I enjoy, but watching this movie was disturbing. I don't recommend it to anyone alive.