Flavia Parenti gave a convincing performance sadly not at all equalled by his counterpart Maeve Demoedy, whom barely had anything to say and offered a handful of expressions. In contrast to her fellow Italian performers her character was bland. She had a limited script which didn't allow her character to be fully explored and was still a blank canvas at the end, and her direction was non existence for such a key role.
The draw of Italian life and scenery was the pull to watch this film which became monotonous and enduring to the end. If the direction and editing were more dynamic the film could have spent time on the meaningful content of the story which actor Flávia was left with tough job to pull off. The direction could have loitered in the stunning style and scenery of Italian life and those key storylines which threaded the film together. There were too many weak and incidental narratives which created bland fill in moments making it very tedious to watch. We made a game of imagining an interesting ending!