Alright, so I should start off by saying I only managed to watch the first half hour of the film, and haven't touched it since late 2016, so this may very well be counted as a near ill-informed, incomplete review. But even so, I remember just how awful those first thirty minutes were to watch (I couldn't even do it in one go, it was done in ten minute intervals). It was more or less a filler part of my day, just as much of a filler as this whole movie is. Like I said, I never watched the whole thing, but I've seen my fair share of clips from it and none of it looks any good. The acting is incredibly forced, Ian, Anthony, nor any of the other "actors" look like they want to be there. Hell, they couldn't even bother to get Ian's actual mom (in Ian's own words from a tweet he made in 2015, it was because "we shot in LA and we wanted the acting to be... A little better"--Is that so?), but honestly I think that's for the best. Better to drag your own rep into the mud rather than your mom's, eh? Point is, movie was forced and so awful I couldn't even force myself to watch the whole thing. I used to be a huge fan of Smosh, but either I grew out of their humor or they started to go downhill once I hit high school out of sheer coincidence. Then again, I can go back to any Smosh video on Youtube from 2006-2010, and still find it 10x more enjoyable than this dumpster fire. So maybe I'm right, and they've just passed their prime. This interview was way past its due date, but better late than never I suppose. Cheers!