Three crooks. The usual cliche driven plot. These are nice crooks. They have a golden heart, well two of them do.
How they don't get busted after the initial robbery is beyond me. No masks. Fingerprints and DNA everywhere.
Expositions like they're going out of fashion.
Next on the list, the blind man's house.
Why would someone who has received a big settlement keep the cash in his house? Why would anyone assume he's got cash in the house? Why do compensation payouts/settlements always get covered in the news for everyone to see. More exposition.
Moronic crooks get a face off with a blind veteran who's hearing is ridiculously poor. I mean there's windows smashing, people crouching next to him and all sorts of sounds that are being failed to be picked up.
It's a daft film. Watch the first 20 mins. Fast forward to the last 15 minutes. It's dumb.