He was cast in a feature after 30 hours in L.A. Filmed his first ever scene after 48 hours. Got management after 2 weeks. Got a role in a 5 year running play after 3 weeks. 7 weeks in he is screen-testing/shooting parts for another feature. 9 weeks in he is cast for his first short-film.
He had in a matter of two months worked on 10-15 sets and gathered hundreds of hours of set experience. Including projects like music videos featuring artists as Flo Rida, promos, commercials, several short films and a supporting role in another feature. 3 days after wrapping that feature he was cast in his first starring lead role in yet another feature alongside q seasoned cast. He was filming said feature throughout march 2012.
Some numbers of these busy weeks was 20 "callbacks" in a week, about 70 in a month. 7 different shoots wanting to shoot with him on a single weekend. Booking of 5 short films in two weeks.
All this on his own account by self submission.