Leonid Gubanov का जन्म 2 अगस्त 1928 को हुआ था।Leonid Gubanov एक अभिनेता थे, जो Kazaki (1961), Chayka (1974) और Knyazhna Meri (1955) के लिए मशहूर थे।उनकी मृत्यु 24 फ़रवरी 2004 को हुई थी।
He acted in Anton Chekhov's play, "The Cherry Orchard," in a Moscow Art Theatre Company production at the Aldwych Theatre in London, England with Alla K. Tarasova, Vladimir V. Belokourov, L.G. Katchanova, T.I. Lennikova, P.V. Massalsky, and Aleksei N. Gribov in the cast. V. Y. Stanitsin was director.