Stage: Appeared in "Luck in Pawn" on Broadway (Broadway debut). Written by Marvin Taylor. 48th Street Theatre: 24 Mar 1919-Mar 1919 (closing date unknown/8 performances). Cast: Robert Adams, Walter Ainsley, Harry Ashford, Charles Brown, Reina Carruthers, L. Melton Clodagh, Robert Fischer, Brenda Fowler, Benjamin Kauser, Erna Renard, Edward Robins, Florence Short, Mabel Taliaferro, Ann Warrington, Roland Young.
[about his career as a movie cowboy] The years of Hollywood are only a memory, albeit a happy one--and the Bob Allen Ranger films the happiest. Tim McCoy and I got along fine, but my fondest memories are of my wonderful sidekick in the series, Wally Wales [Hal Taliaferro]. God Bless his soul.