Maurice LaMarche
- फिल्म कलाकार
- निर्माता
- ध्वनि विभाग
Maurice LaMarche का जन्म 30 मार्च 1958 को हुआ था।Maurice LaMarche एक अभिनेता और निर्माता हैं, जो Futurama (1999), Pinky and the Brain (1995) और Zootopia (2016) के लिए मशहूर हैं।Maurice LaMarche Robin Eisenman के साथ 19 मई 1991 से विवाहित हैं।
टीवी सीरीज़
- Morbo
- Kif Kroker
- Calculon
- Hedonismbot
- Walt
- Additional Voices
- Lrrr
- Horrible Gelatinous Blob
- Lt. Kif Kroker
- The Hyperchicken
- Don Cunningham
- Clamps
- Donbot
- Headless Clone of Agnew
- The Crushinator
- The Hyper-Chicken
- Axl
- The Borax Kid
- Auctioneer
- Fishy Joe
- George Washington's Head
- Raoul
- The Scary Door Narrator
- Waiter
- Betsy
- Buggalo
- Butler
- Destructor
- Doctor
- Dr. Perceptron
- Executive Beta
- Fishy Joseph Gillman
- Inglis Raoul
- Narrator
- Newsreel Announcer
- Ronald Reagan's Head
- TV Announcer
- The Big Brain
- Victor
- Yuri
- 'Good Show!'
- Ab-Bot
- Abraham
- Abraham Lincoln's Head
- Academy Awards Announcer
- Albino Shouting Gorillas
- Alexander Hamilton
- Alien Leader
- Amish Man
- Angus McZongo
- Announcer
- Ape
- Ape #1
- Aracneon
- Archaeologist
- Attila the Hun
- Auto-Pilot
- Bailiff
- Balloon Operator
- Band Member
- Barking Snakes
- Basil
- Basketball Announcer
- Bean Salesman
- Benjamin Franklin
- Bidder #1
- Big-Mouthed Mutant
- Billgar
- Blek
- Border Guard
- Bouncer
- Brain Balls
- Brrr
- Business Monkey
- Captain Megameat
- Carcarons
- Cartridge Unit
- Caterpillar
- Chainsaw-Eating Robot
- Civil Defense Van
- Clock
- Commercial Announcer
- Costume Contest Announcer
- Crushinator
- Cryogenisist
- Cuckoo
- Cylon
- Dandy Jim
- Dean Vernon
- Decapodian Tailor
- Digby
- Documentary Announcer
- Documentary Narrator
- Dog Walker
- Donkey Kong
- Dr. Banjo
- Dragon Ghost
- Dumblock
- E-Mail Voice
- Elves
- Elzar's Announcer
- Emperor Bont
- Erwin Schrödinger
- Evil Lincoln
- Execubot Beta
- Executioner
- Executive Alpha
- Fire Creature
- Flamo
- Flying Spaghetti Monster
- Fountain Kraken
- Fox Announcer
- Frankenstein's Monster
- Franklin D. Roosevelt's Head
- Fred Sanford
- Future Being
- Gamester Alien #1
- Gary
- George Michael's Head
- George Washington
- Gerald Ford's Head
- Ghost
- Grover Cleveland's Head
- Grumpy Snail Growling
- Guard
- Guard Dog
- H.G. Blob
- Habitat Alien #2
- Hair Dryer
- Hattie's Fiance
- Headless Body of Agnew
- Highly Evolved Robotic Juror
- Hitchhiker
- Hobsie
- Horserace Commentator
- Hot Dog Vendor
- Husband
- Hyperchicken
- Ikea Robot
- Ingliss Raoul
- Japanese Toilet
- Jim
- King of Flatbrush
- Lackey
- Larry the Murder Burglar
- Lassie's Head
- LeRoy
- Leonardo da Vinci
- Lrrr's Father
- Luciano Pavoratti's Head
- Madison Cube Garden Stage Manager
- Malachi
- Male CDC Scientist #1
- Male Planet Express Ship
- Man in Commercial #1
- Man in Park
- Maniacal Laughter
- Marcel
- Mario
- Melllvar
- Midwife
- Monk #1
- Monster
- Moon Rover Ride Narrator
- Morcs
- Mr. Astor
- Mr. Chunks
- Mr. Everyteen
- Mr. Peppy
- Murg
- Museum Guide #1
- Nazi #1
- Neutral President
- Nibblonian
- Octopus
- Old Guy
- Omicronian Guard
- Omocronian
- Opera House Announcer
- Orange Elder
- Orson Welles' Head
- Peacock
- Pharaoh Hermenthotip
- Pig
- Pizza Ad
- Police Officer
- Police Trainer
- President Harry Truman
- Priestbot
- Professor Morris Katz
- Race Announcer
- Radio Newsreader
- Ralph Kramden Animatronic
- Raoull Inglis
- Recruitment Officer
- Referee
- Ride Operator
- Robot
- Robot Ambassador
- Robot Crowd
- Robot Doctor
- Robot Doorman #2
- Robot Elder #2
- Robot Toucan
- Robot Who Owes Money
- Robotic Caveman
- Robotic Dinosaur
- Robotic Heckler
- Robotic Male Scientist
- Rodriguez Robot
- Sal's Friend #1
- Scary Mirror Narrator
- Schlomo
- Scientist #2
- Scoop Chang
- Sex Shop Salesman
- Shady Guy
- Sign-Writer
- Slave #1
- Small Rock Alien
- Space Pirate
- Space Pope
- Space Worm
- Sparky
- Sportsbot 5000
- Squidward Scissorhands
- Teddy Roosevelt's Head
- Texan Scientist #2
- The Being of Inconceivable Horror
- The Force
- The Robot Devil
- Throw Your Sea Monkeys Advertisement
- Throw Your Voice Advertisement
- Tokyo Crazy Balls Machine
- Traffic Narrator
- Trek Preacher
- Ultra Guy
- Universal Translator
- Vampire Mayor
- Vampire in Coffin
- Weasel Monster
- Will Reader
- Worms
- Yeti
- Zookeeper Monkey
- eBay Auctioneer
- iHawk(वॉइस)
टीवी सीरीज़
- The Brain
- Brain
- Al Gore
- Alien
- Baby Romy
- Brain-2-Me-2
- Chief of Staff Brain
- Queen Roach's Aid
- Rhennish Brother
- Rick Blaine
- Squit
टीवी सीरीज़
- Orson Welles
- Hedonismbot
- Additional Voices
- Admiral Crunchy
- Billy
- Cap'n Crunch
- Charlie Sheen
- Chef Naziwa
- Chinese #1
- Chinese #4
- City Inspector
- Clive Meriwether
- Commander McBragg
- Erman Millwood
- Eudora Welty
- Fox announcer
- Gate Guard #1
- George C. Scott
- Harvest Fest Worker
- Hedonismbot Cosplayer
- Hutch
- Jock #2
- Leprechaun
- Lrrr
- Marlon Brando
- Milo
- Morbo
- Mr. Burns' Doctor
- Neil Simon
- Oceanographer
- Recruiter #2
- Rodney Dangerfield
- Screaming Cop
- Starsky
- Vincent Price(वॉइस)