Jonathan Tolins
- निर्माता
- लेखक
- फिल्म कलाकार
Jonathan Tolins The Good Fight (2017), The Twilight of the Golds (1996) और BrainDead (2016) में अपने काम के लिए मशहूर हैं।
- पुरस्कार
- 2 कुल नामांकन
- 2025
- 2025
- वैकल्पिक नाम
- Jon Tolins
- पति/पत्नी
- Robert Cary(2 बच्चे)
- अन्य कामStage: Wrote article in New York Times about the inspiration behind the off-Broadway comedy he wrote, "Buyer & Cellar", which opened June 24, 2013 at New York City's Barrow Street Theater.
- प्रचार लिस्टिंग
- ट्रिवियाLike his idol Barbra Streisand, Tolins was born in Brooklyn. In the 1990s, Streisand came to one of Tolin's plays and 'almost bought the movie rights' to it. Perhaps not so coincidentally, his 2013 off-Brodaway comedy, 'Buyer & Cellar', is inspired by Streisand's book 'My Passion for Design".
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