Desi Kattey is a action-drama directed by Anand Kumar. The film stars Sunil Shetty, Ashutosh Rana, Jay Bhanushali, Akhil Kapur, Tia Bajpai and Sasha Agha.
Two sharpshooters life takes a turn when they are approached by two different people claiming to change their life.
This film should be called a pure waste of some good talents and a promising script and the sole reason is poor direction and uneven screenplay.
As mentioned above the plot of the film is decent but is been ruined completely with pathetic execution and terrible acting by most of the actors. The film just keep jumping from one plot to another and climax develops a completely new plot and kills the essence of the script.
Acting is poor with Jay Bhanushali and Akhil Kapur disappoints, they are shown very good friends but their chemistry look fake and forced upon and even their accent looked fake. Tia Bajpai and Sasha Agha were only to sing songs with Sasha Agha getting little more screen space. Actors like Ashutosh Rana and Sunil Shetty are royally wasted.
Screenplay is uneven and keeps on jumping from one plot to another without a trace, climax of the film is also disappointing.
Overall this film is is just a misfired bullet from Desi Kattey.