First of all... IT'S A KID'S PROGRAM!! For crying out loud people.. kids like simple, action, colors, etc... and for anyone who has potty trained a toddler, you know that kids "need to go" at the most awkward of times.. This short portrays how today's families are too.. mom and dad are slightly clueless (like the first reviewer) and Nana comes to the rescue.. it's the message at the end of the short that is most important.. listen to your body and don't wait to go. It's not any worse or better than many of the other shorts or shows for kids. And as for comparing it to Spongebob, there is no comparison.. Spongebob is uneducational.. there is learning in repetition.. there is no obscene "potty humor" in Nina needs to go.. this is one of the few things that makes my 18 month old sit and watch.. very little gets and keeps his attention.. I rate this only a 7 out of 10 simply because I'm not super fond of it myself, but I do approve of it for my kid..