Another of this director's - along with scriptwriter Jani Pönsä - contribution that so highlight superb Finnish deadpan, bordering on absurdity, ideas* and dialogue: in this one, nicely riffing on the free market, D. I. Y. Male body-building ('enhancement') need to impress, and barbed observations on (closeted, everywhere - especially pipe smokers**!) gender ('gay'dar!) uncertainties: plus taking in along the way, the perils of drink in Finnish culture - this time rendering main character, Milla's parent's literally zombiefied - (so, add it into your zombie genre viewing) - imbibition results, hilarious; ohh; and now: even, contemporary update: some quite prescient, pointed (unpalatable!) stuff on viruses! Euww!
But at heart - literally so in this, eventually - this is a simple/standard love (Milla! - Milka Suonpää) story of boy has girl, boy loses .. but being Finnish with top strong (bossy!***) female characters, here it's eventually gal 'rescues' boy. (Ahh!): complete with the amusing (shocking?!) starstruck - ah, seeing stars - 'explosive' power of passionate kisses, too****!
Although delivered through more or less routine acting, but for this one, along with that fun scripting, it's the characterisations portrayed in relaying their lines that's the fun to catch. (E.g. Yet again, Elina Knihtilä - as waitress Pirjo**** - scores with her sassy, don't mess with me, so sexy elder lady shtick!); but what is really worthwhile in seeking this out and adding to your filmic knowledge and enjoyment is that it would make an amusing double / triple billing with 'Iron Man' (1 - where Tony Stark needs the artificial atomic (or whatever!) heart), but most especially, with 'Testuo: the Iron Man': as, if not an unacknowledged homage to, then is tantamount to almost ripping off the latter's conceit!
(Although possibly telling in that when the 'power arm's are first encountered, it's explained they are "Japanese edition" .. hmm.)
For this, there's some great 'mechanics' props on display (Kari Kankaanpää invented / provided - although it was a Salla Yli-Luopa won the local Oscar - (called 'Jussi', another (Finnish) man's name) - award for 'best make up design'), plus to catch, too, eclectic costuming (gone wild at the end - kudos to a Anna Vilppunen: although sadly didn't win local award=wuz robbed!); even locations (Ämpäri / Teemu Nieminen's) home bus amongst almost abandoned / vintage railway sidings.
And even if true, have to relay / warn, after what seemed to be an interesting 'into the future' set up, denouement indicated couldn't follow through - (and / or budget constraint showing?) - with a bit of a ('ah, it was a dream' like) cop out ... ☹)
But nevertheless, overall, indeed if you like this, then it'd be essential to also check same director's recent other verging on absurdist contributions, as to so undertake, would seem he oft uses quite a regular supporting ensemble cast, (e.g. Matti Onnisma - drinking, zombiefied 'faija' = father) - especially so.)
Great, fun 'rom/robo(!)-com'- like stuff = by which., well, more ,er, power to your elbows, Teemu and Jani!
* as like, well check the 'Panda' purpose / role!
** I guess it's all that sucking, huh, (Jani)?
*** Milla's equally sassy, stand no nonsense best friend Siiri (Pauliina Suominen) bossing about her chap, new - (breast feeding, no less!) - father, with some great 'feminist' beliefs / advice on the role of men in to female relationship expectations: (since, I can sorta assure, such is not so far removed from true Finnish milieu, y'know - chaps!)
**** and on kissing, pity that waitress Pirjo's unrequited admirer from afar, 'Vartija' (=guard: Ville Jankeri), unfortunately got his amusing, albeit brief, at airport ticket check assistant kiss, cut / incompleted (but, fortunately retained on the dvd extra outtakes.)