The writers and designers have done an outstanding job with filling the script, the set, and the costumes with all kinds of details true the comic books and the DC world. (The arcane laboratory is fantastic!) There is also a rich dark feel to the whole show that is pure Vertigo. The whole vibe is creepy and wonderful, and fills that blurry good-vs-evil void that Buffy and Angel left behind, without getting maudlin and soap-operatic. The chemistry between John and Zed is snarky and fun, and the supporting cast is so good. Papa Midnite is PERFECT, and Chas is brilliant. One thing that really works is the special effects. They don't get hokey or feel CGI'ed to ridiculousness- A contorting demon, instead of being twisted by camera tricks, is played by an acrobat that leaves you breathless the 15 seconds she is on scene. I so hope NBC doesn't let this one go; it would be as bad a move as Fox dropping Firefly.