I've gotten addicted to South Korean reality shows following the original "Squid Game" and MAN, do they make ours look stupid. Every one is either a test of raw talent, physicality, or intelligence and almost every contestant is unique and compelling.
In these American knock-offs (the dreadful American version of Squid Game and now "Beast" games) it's hundreds of the dumbest most useless people they could find, apparently. Is this commentary on our country or just a failure of the casting folks?
Seriously, a "score at least a 100 IQ" to get in would have made this infinitely more watchable. As it stands it's an endless parade of neck and face tattoos and a sea of people with little to no reasoning capabilities, and all of the "games" are mostly just another reskinned version of the prisoner's dilemma or just plain dumb luck.
Come on America, we can do better than this.
5/10 because I have to justify how I've watched all four of them so far and will probably watch the rest. Lol.