MAYAVANAM is a young energy movie which tells the story of 4 medical students. It's a gripping crime thriller that expertly weaves suspense, intrigue, and unexpected twists into a compelling narrative. Directed by Dr jagathlal , this film takes viewers on a dark journey through the underbelly of a seemingly quiet forest.
Jagathlal's direction is nothing short of masterful. He creates a tense atmosphere that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats from start to finish. The film's pacing is meticulous, gradually building suspense and ensuring that each revelation lands with maximum impact.
The main roles are wonderfully played by 4 new comers. But parallel characters are done masters of Malayalam film industry. Alenzier ,jaffer Idukki ,sreekanth Murali, senthil krishna, sudi coppa ....all are performing with electric punch.
Music scores are done by the director himself. A blend of Indian ethnic and western feels are beautifully loomed to create a modern tribal melody. Many scenes are uplifted to celestial planes with his genius work.
The cinematography of jomon made this movie a dreamy experience because the central theme is based hallucinations of medicoz. Editor Samjith Mohammed deserves special appreciation for his electrifying cuts which maintain kinetic but meaningful drift through out. The forest area they selected is awesome with deep wild greenery. Mohandas the art director of lucifer and 2018 had designed the production with superlative craft man ship. The film carries a strong message against drug abuse in students world. The director is using hallucinations of these students to speak about the hell of drug industry and its social disasters. 1 hour 40 minutes movie is worthwhile watching. Let more beautiful movies come out from Dr Jagathlal and his crew.