"Disturbing". "Vile". "Unsettling". 3 words that could describe the first film from director Chris Woods. Now I'm not saying that in a bad way, I'm just being honest. Does that mean it's a bad movie? No...but it depends on if you are a fan of this type of film.
It's a faux documentary / found footage style film that tells the story of 2 friends, Michael & Antwan. 2 war veteran serial killers who thrive on kidnapping, torturing, raping, & murdering women. Throughout the movie, you slowly learn about how these 2 became the sickening duo they are.
Having to work with pretty much ZERO budget, the movie was well shot & edited. The acting ( esp Sceiro & Glazier ) was really convincing & nauseating. I know some people have compared it to certain other films of this genre but I won't. I can see the inspiration but A.H. has it's own feel to it.
Do I recommend seeing it? Yes...but like I said before, only if you "like" these type of flicks.