Set in a small-town colony of Delhi called Rajat Vihar, the series introduces the viewer to its leading characters, Dev Mishra (Abhay Mahajan) and Meher Sikka (Natasha Bharadwaj) and their backstories. The former is an average guy-the narrator describes him as the colourful colony's most colourless character, and the latter as savage.
Despite being neighbours, the two are practically strangers, but love blossoms when they get to know each other. Before they can confess their feelings to each other, in comes Meher's strapping stud of an ex (and the show's narrator), Ashwin Chauhan (Mrinal Dutt), who breaks up with her, unable to manage the long-distance relationship. The story is about their love triangle and what happens when Meher faces the same situation as she gets a scholarship to study in Italy.
Abhay Mahajan is convincing as the average dorky young man burdened with providing for his family and filling in for his late father. He pulls off the act of being a good-hearted and self-conscious guy well. As a self-confident and straight-talking girl, Natasha Bharadwaj is good, too, and has a pleasant screen presence.
Mrinal Dutt is impressive and does a good balancing act of being the troublemaker and a good guy. Purav Jha stands out as the spoilt and smarter brother who advises Dev on matters of the heart. He does well in comic scenes and delivers funny lines with ease, like "Keep your attitude in your pocket, I have enough of it."