I did write a very favourable review, based on the first two or three episodes.
After seeing all 6 episodes, not so much. There are the admirable production values throughout, yes. And the Finnish Defence Forces carries through in every respect.
What fails, and keeps failing more and more in every step to the final episode is the script. It's just not believable. The characters keep getting more and more shallow. Nobody cares abt. Them in the end.
Also, the "main event" in the end (winning, and getting back the command of most everything) is just a big nothing. And I didn't expect a Hollywood / Star Wars shootout; it's just that the character arcs fall short of any believable outcome that's been built for in the first 4 episodes.
Story/promise: beliavable. Characters: marginal. Script: falls short. Believability: a far reach. Which means - Directing: too much to handle, tiresome. Overall (despite a very promising start), just 4/10.
Would I watch this again: no. Would I recommend this: basically yes, for people not knowing much about Finland. There definitely are elements that depict things realistically. But as a TV series, I was disappointed. Hope you're not.