"Vai com Deus" ("Godspeed") deals with an issue that sadly has become a common place thing in many cities in Brazil and even a name was coined for it: saidinha
de banco (something on the lines of "Quick exit from the bank") where robbers look out for people entering and walking out of banks to cash out money, and then the
assault takes place. While the term is relevantly new, the act isn't and the movie makes itself important because of such fact.
In the quick story, a robber (Fábio Menezes) who follows a young pastor (Vinicius de Oliveira) who's going to the bank to withdrawn money from the ATM. The man
walks out, going back home in a deserted street and then the worst takes place: he gets assaulted at gun point. Matters of life and death quickly comes at play and the
robber keeps doing his business, threatning and taking out everything of value from the preacher who begs to not be killed and to not have his Bible taken. Will
things turn to out for good or it'll be the usual thing we hear on the news?
Based on such descriptions one would probably stay away from such film since it's something that happens everyday and there are no alternatives possibles to such
scenario unless if you'll think that some miracle will help the pastor because he's a religious man. Well, I advise you to take a look at this one. There is a way out
and I was blown away with the plot twist. It could be predicted? Somewhat but since those doesn't happen much in reality it's a little obvious that the world of fiction
would find ways to put it on the screen and truth is...it works! Besides that, the duo of actors are very good and I was quite surprised to see the eternal Josué from
"Cidade do Brasil" as a grown man. He makes movies and shorts here and there but pretty much under the radar (sadly) and he's still very good.
Simple in nature and creation yet a very rewarding surprise. You'll be finding having debates with yourself or others about that ending. 8/10.