This film is a beautifully crafted and harrowing tale of the end times, namely the Rapture. It is, to me, the most important film I've seen for all people to see (I am a Believer myself). The emotions portrayed in this film are those that all 'religious' people should absorb, and then reflect on the fact that oppression is still a strong, ugly force in our lives. Not everyone who cries 'Jesus' will make it to heaven. I have seen Colin's expressions in the faces of the young, agnostic men I have known. We do not live in a "tolerant" society. I strongly encourage people to watch this film and reflect on your God-given knowledge. Do you know him? I cannot imagine what it would be like to see this as a secular person, and my only dissatisfaction with this film is that our society requires the pain and distress of people of faith and the haters of faith. One day God will return. This film capsulizes that perfectly. Great movie.