This garbage is an abysmal misfire that only tarnishes the legacy of the beloved comic character. The film is a disaster from start to finish, failing in nearly every aspect of filmmaking, from its mediocre script to its lackluster performances and embarrassing visual effects.
The plot, which should have been a dark and thrilling exploration of Hellboy's adventures in the Appalachian backwoods, instead feels like a poorly strung-together sequence of clichés and uninspired horror tropes.
The pacing is atrocious, dragging its feet through long, dull stretches that leave the audience bored and disengaged. It's hard to believe this story came from the mind of Mike Mignola, considering how it has been butchered beyond recognition.
Performance-wise, the cast seems entirely checked out, delivering lifeless and wooden portrayals that are far beneath their talent. Hellboy himself is reduced to a one-dimensional caricature, lacking any of the charm or depth that made the character iconic.
The supporting characters are forgettable at best and cringeworthy at worst, with dialogue so stilted it sounds like it was written by a first-year film student.
Visually, the movie is a complete eyesore. The special effects look like they were ripped from a low-budget TV movie from the early 2000s.
The creature designs are uninspired, and the CGI is so poorly executed that it takes you out of the experience entirely. Even the practical effects, which could have been a saving grace, are laughably bad.
The direction is utterly inept, lacking any sense of style or coherence. The horror elements fail to deliver even a hint of tension or fear, instead leaning on cheap jump scares that don't land. The film's tone is all over the place, trying to balance horror, action, and dark comedy, but succeeding in none. The result is a jumbled mess that doesn't know what it wants to be.
How does anyone in their sane mind give the directional capabilities to the moron who destroyed Ghost Rider Spirit of Vengeance is beyond me. Also the lack of budget is very much prominent in the scenes also hiring God knows who the actors are whether they can be called so is a doubt.
I knew it from the first trailer that this was going to be a straight to vod type garbage.
It's a soulless, uninspired cash grab that disrespects its source material and its audience. Avoid this one at all costs-you'll thank yourself later.