I really like Greg Kinnear, and perhaps I'm doing this show a disservice by comparing it to the brilliant original Australian production, but I can't help myself. I wanted to like this one, especially when Peter Duncan (did I screw up his name? So bad with names...) is involved with this one, too. Unfortunately, from what I saw in the premier, the characters have none of the nuance and substance of the Richard Roxburgh version. The quirkiness, the warmth and the humor are missing entirely! From the get-go Keegan is just a jerk who gets away with sh*t, and no one shows any of the genuine affection for him shown in the original - an integral part of what made the show work. AND of course, it's been completely dumbed down for a US audience.
I don't understand why we can't televise a show made in another country. We must instead recreate it, change it, alter it, RUIN it, to make it "palatable" for American viewers. The intelligence, wit, humor and warmth of the original has been replaced by typical irascible American anti-hero tropes. What was a unique legal and human comedy/drama has been recreated in the same old same old image of a dozen others. If you can get your hands on the original, please run, don't walk, and view a truly brilliant piece of television.