"Inspired by true events," this story begins with a young mother being "Stalked at 17" by a hooded young man. He pulls a gun on her and orders Taylor Spreitler (as Angela Curson) to get the baby and go somewhere
One year earlier, we flashback to how the stalker met the stalked. Academically very smart, Ms. Spreitler is touring her prospective college. There, she meets the young man from the opening teaser. Without the gun and hood, Chuck Hittinger (as Chad Bruning) looks cute and charming. Invited to his party, Spreitler is quickly carrying Mr. Hittinger's baby...
While effectively engaging the audience, the opening gives away most of the story. This is a common way for TV Movies to grab your attention and help you decide to watch their movie. It can be intriguing, but not when the plot falls into place so quickly. An hour is spent going through what we pretty much know is going to happen. A mysterious bit of background involving imprisoned Jamie Luner (as Toni Marshall) is likewise easy to predict. Although the "adopted" Hittinger and Spreitler have similar features, they are not brother and sister. That would be too complicated.
*** Stalked at 17 (2012-10-27) Doug Campbell ~ Taylor Spreitler, Chuck Hittinger, Linda Purl, Amy Pietz