This aired on the Lifetime Movie Network in late November, and wow! If I blinked, I might have missed it. So glad I recorded it to my DVR, as this was a FANTASTIC thriller! I'm rating it a 10 based on Television/Cable movie standards, but now that I think about it, this is a great movie even by theatrical standards! The acting was solid, the plot was fast paced and engrossing, while the tension was realistic. And there was also quite a bit of man candy, enough to satisfy those on BOTH sides of the fence. I agree wholeheartedly with the other reviewers (the 3 dated before mine) and highly recommend this as a great romantic suspense thriller. Look for it in your local TV listings as I believe it will rerun soon (as of December 2012). Lifetime has been cranking out some excellent movies over the past several years, and while some are turkeys, there are more than a few that are above average. This one is at the top of my list for 2012!