The beginning of this anime started off stupidly and I was about to stop it but gladly I didn't. Though, it still wasn't a solid entry into the anime world. A young girl who has a simple name (as does everyone else in the series) or rather likes to be called a simple name, "Human" is somehow surviving in a world where humanity has seemed to have dwindled.
In the creativity department, it isn't good nor bad, it's just average but most other times, it isn't being creative, rather it rips off other anime and more tropes than any Disney film could ever imagine. Episode titles can be generic despite their unpredictability and the characters are generic as their nonsensical dialogue. The main character is a tsundere who is very grating to watch, the fairies who I mistaken for dolls are okay, they're cute and they have a pretty interesting backstory, but everyone else isn't all that great, the little girl with blonde hair serves as an attachment for Human, the cat-like robot who I forgot the name of is whiny and some other characters have little personalities to stick with you despite the fact that they're secondary characters.
Now let's talk about the story. The story seems to have a nice idea behind it once you really get into it but failed because it just isn't creative enough. It could've been an anime you wouldn't really want to end but it is ruined by frustrating characters and boring writing. There are only a few interesting things and cute moments.
At the beginning, the voice acting done for some of the fairies sound like nails-on-a-chalkboard but then improve quickly. So, overall, the voice acting isn't bothersome for the most part except for also Human's at certain points.
The art is too similar to other anime, the characters are drawn quite uniquely though and also some of the animation can even go through stuff, the animation even made me laugh at one point.
I don't even see why people rate this anime so highly. It is overall, childlike but aimed at teenagers. At first, I thought it should've passed off as shoujo but maybe it is a seinen anime. I'm a girl and I didn't enjoy this very much but the main character is a girl and is usually around girls so it makes this seem pretty girly for boys. Viewers over 14 will likely find this a tad too childish, especially in the humor department.
Grade: C-