This six-part series featuring Acushla-Tara Kupe and Richard Flood in the lead roles is thoroughly enjoyable and will appeal to any fans of content in the Crime Drama genre...
Set in a small rural New Zealand town called Te Aroha (Mt Affinity in the show) the writing is excellent and each episode flows neatly into the next one as the suspense begins to build.
One of the coolest aspects of the Series is the infusion of the cultures of both New Zealand and also Ireland into the story - in both the spoken word and also in song (there are subtitles - but the language is concise and easily understandable).
Nowhere is this more poignant than in the funeral (Tangi) scene where Native New Zealand Maori "Waiata" is followed by a beautiful Irish song performed by the father of one of the missing Irish visitors.
The acting is first class - especially the performances of the two lead actors, but they are also extremely well supported by a Cast of well-known New Zealand Actors and there are some fantastic performances by the Series' Irish contingent of actors.
Acushla-Tara and Richard slowly build a dynamic partnership throughout the episodes and despite the serious and suspenseful nature of the subject matter, the story is also punctuated by some light-hearted, humorous moments featuring some playful "Banter" and quintessential kiwi humour...
As a proud New Zealand viewer - I loved seeing even more of our beautiful Country on screen, and as far as suspense and twists go - this well told Crime Story does not disappoint!
Definitely worth a watch!