It's hard to make sense of this movie.
It's starts as at a fast food restaurant and this apparently plays a larger part in the movie but it doesn't make any attempts to tie this into the later pieces.
The scene with the stoner friend should have been left on the cutting room floor. It serves literally no purpose.
There is banter between him and his sister and the the sister brother relationship does not play into the rest of the movie. There are a few key scenes here but the college, the vegan friend, it goes now where. Cutting room floor.
Then we get into the ridiculous aspect. Every illegal immigrant is arrest as well as their children for being accessories? What? Minors too?
It's not really addressed.
We spend too much time watching our lead in a detention cell. Nothing happens here, none of it matters, keep or moving. Cutting room floor.
Then to get out there is a program the children ca. Go into? This makes no sense, pothead idea? It really doesn't work, but don't worry, they quickly move past it.
Now we're in the meat of the movie, something interesting is definitely going to go here. Not really. I want to say it goes off the rails but it was never on rails to begin with.
The pacing never comes together. It's just a mishmash of common played out scenarios until the merciful end.