My wife and I attended FIREFALL An Epic Family Adventure and were so happy. Firefall was about five groups of people visiting Yosemite National Park to see a last showing of the historic flaming ember 'firefall.' The cinematography was breathtaking! The camera movement was fluid and added so much. All of the characters were round and whole, and we found we really cared about them. Director Sconce's use of bright colors throughout the film added crucial vibrancy. Solid dramatic portions were interspersed with the comedy giving a real roller coaster ride of emotions. The lead actors were fantastic and I particularly loved the characters Stanford James (Greg Tharpe), Hugo Armstrong (Michael R. Tweedy), and the rock climbing Scots (Paul Pavelski and Ryan Hoagland). The score was beautiful by composer James Mierkey, who scored Sconce's last film, STRICKEN. The edit was crisp and perfect, in my opinion. The crowd exploded into laughter over and over, and I sat in awe as we all applauded and cheered the action numerous times spontaneously. You would just recover from a gut wrenching laugh and the film would hit you again. People in the room were crying from laughing so hard. Sconce added funny animal footage to the action all through the film. After seeing the film, I now want to travel to Yosemite National Park myself to see its wonder. Director Matt Sconce took an award winning script to amazing heights in FIREFALL. It was so very entertaining. When leaving the theater I chatted with an older man who said he had never in his life laughed so hard at any film. I guess that says it all. The only reason I didn't give it a 10 is I know IMDb knocks those out of the overall vote. Go see FIREFALL! Go see it! Go see it! Go see it!