"You know, I did a huge amount of psychedelics. I also knew that I was the son of God. I was told that I had it... but I wasn't gonna go around shouting about it."
Three guys with identity problems, in one boat, but on different geographic coordinates. It's "Vissarion" born as Sergey Anatolyevitch Torop, now residing at Tiberkul, Taiga, in the rural Krasnoyarsk region of Siberia, with thousands of international followers. And "Inri Cristo" born Álvaro Thais/Theiss of German decent, lives comfortably in Curtiba, Paraná, Southern Brazil, with a small group of female disciples. But also
David Shayler, the squatter Messiah at Guildford Cathedral, Surrey, England, who lives in a minor hippie commune.
A motley trio of Jesus imitators among thousands of others. Pick your favourite and submit.
"The fact is, God has never talked to people. He can't even speak to them." (Vissarion 2010)
Brilliant documentary!