This film tells the story of a policeman who lives with his girlfriend i Berlin. One day, the girlfriend's cousin from Rome comes to stay. The policeman unexpectedly finds the cousin attractive, unravelling secret desires that he never knew existed.
"The Visitor" is unbelievably horrible. It is clearly made by novices who do not know how to make a film. I believe that I should not criticize if I cannot do a better job, but on this occasion, I honestly believe that I can make a better film.
First of all, it is clearly shot on a hand-held compact digital camera, because you can clearly see from the way the zoom works. The zoom starts and stops abruptly, which is really annoying. They could have at least used a digital SLR, that would already have solved this problem. Unfortunately, the multitude of other problems could not be solved as easily. The story is boring, the storytelling is excruciating, composition of scenes is poor and lighting is horrible. To make matters worse, the resolution is horrible. I watched the DVD and it appears grainy on my TV! The story is really bad. A policeman who is not shown to have homosexual inclinations beforehand, suddenly develops a crush for the cousin? How believable is that? That is not the main problem either. The really big problem is the horrendous story telling. Subplots are introduced but are dropped for no reason, without closure, many times in the film. For example, the policeman asks the cousin what the plan is for the evening, and the cousin answers he wants to go to a club. Then there are no scenes of them going to the club. Another example is the policeman makes eye contact with someone in a bar, something should happen next but the story suddenly shifts to another subplot entirely. It feels like the filmmakers ran out of time and money to shoot pivotal scenes, so there are only certain scenes shown but they are not logically or consequentially connected to each other. That is the main problem of the film, scenes do not drive the story and do not pave way for the next scene.
Towards the end of the film, the screen goes black quite a few times between subplots. My friends and I were truly hoping the film to end, but it just won't end. Even though the film is only about an hour long, it feels like eternity. I truly recommend you to stay away from this train wreck. It is beyond horrid.