I've been listening to Eve for about 2 years now, and I have payed a lot of attention to the details and story's of his music videos, and have researched his manga a bit. I loved how many of his songs were in the movie, and when the songs came on it would have the perfect lyrics for what was currently going on in the movie.
Another thing is that there were so much references to his MV's, Hitosume, 'Hitosume means one eyed' (from dramaturgy, literature nonsense, etc) has been one of the main focuses in this film. An example is when the song "How To Eat Life" started playing, there were many people gathered around a table, just like in the MV for "How To Eat Life"
I may just be bias for Eve, but Eve got a lot of screen time in this movie, which made me very happy, and all the songs in the show were preformed live.
At the end of the day this is really a perfect movie for anybody, Eve fan or not, the story was well thought out, the characters were pretty good, and the references had me hooked. So 10/10 movie!