Midnight Card Massacre is a horror short by Bradley Creanzo that tells the tale of 4 people playing cards in hell and upon losing each person is eliminated savagely.
I found this because it supposedly is the prequel to Creanzo's The Bible Belt Slasher (2010) movies which are next on my watchlist. If there is any connection, I'll be very surprised.
It looks cheap (As it likely was). Hell is a blackjack table, 4 glasses of red wine, a plain white sheet surrounding them and 4 actors who behave like it's their first time in front of a camera.
The idea is solid, the execution is cringe inducing.
Fingers crossed that the Bible Belt Slasher films are better.
The Good:
Interesting idea
The Bad:
Soundtrack gets real old real fast
Painful overacting
Things I Learnt From This Movie:
In hell executioners are fat cowboys
In hell card game tables are bulletproof
Lucifer is a 1980's glam rocker