This is set within the same universe as Joss Whedon's "Firefly" TV series and subsequent film, "Serenity". Like the show and film, we follow the characters of an independent cargo ship who are just taking what jobs they can, both legal and not-so, just to get through each day.
This is a decent first time effort from all involved. The cast are relaxed and there are no "clunkers" amongst them. If anything, the dialogue, being in the particular style that Whedon and his writers wrote for his characters, gave me a new appreciation of how difficult it was for the professionals to recite naturally. There is a well thought out reveal for one character and the direction is confident.
Yes, this is a fan film and that's how it should be viewed, but at the same time, it doesn't come over as a "vanity" production, yet has enough nods to the fandom. If you have enjoyed the source material, then give this a try for no other reason than to appreciate the passion of the production team and cast.