The film presents a promising story but falls short in its execution. The screenplay struggles, leading to a narrative that often feels uninspired and lackluster, although it does have its moments with a very few standout scenes. Unfortunately, the dialogue fails to elevate the material, lacking depth and impact.
Musically, the film manages to deliver two nice songs.
Sandeep Kishan delivers a commendable performance, consistent with his reputation for solid acting. Varsha Bollamma shines in her role, Kavya Thapar adds a spark to the film with her presence. Kishore and Harsha are fun.
The supporting cast turns in acceptable performances, doing what they can with the material provided. The cinematography is competent, offering some visual appeal, though the film's VFX elements do not meet the same standard, detracting from the overall experience.
While it may not justify the price of a movie ticket, the film could be an option for streaming on OTT platforms for those who find the premise intriguing enough to overlook its shortcomings.