This episode spends the time to retread the exact scene the last one ended on without any real significance.
The episode continues to feel more Star Trek like based on acting and script. Trite conversations that are uncharacteristic of Star Wars. I can only think this is because the desired audience is 12-15 years old. Which then means the show is excellently made as it is on par with other Disney and Nickelodeon shows.
The real standout acting wise is the fumbling helper for Mae. Which is probably the Sith Lord in disguise...yoda style. And those two characters are the only ones that are entertaining.
The ending was pretty cool but again was a whole episode leading up to almost nothing. Then a trailer defect reel starts and then stops dead in its tracks.
28 min show, 5 min credits.....Im thinking this is another whimsical Filoni episode of "what if", but ultimately leads nowhere like ahsoka or BoBF.