Oh my, talk about an experience. Sometimes dubbing can add to the film experience, good or bad, well here... it was the whole experience. I don't understand what was going on in this dull, nonsensical mess of a story, nor did I actually care to find out. However what I did grasp; the dialogues were lame and to add to that the English dubbing was so distractingly awful. I couldn't help but get a tickle out of the all grunting, and howling. Yep, more so than the dialogues. I don't know why, but something about these characters whenever they wail in pain after a psychical altercation, or puffing when they're out of breath. I was so amused by it, that I don't really care about anything else. I just waited to hear the next non-verbal release.
So the the gist of it - something about it all, just felt completely off. Like a fever gone bad. Although the droning music score was ace, and there were a couple crude, grotesque scenes of demon transformations and tentacle trauma. But, boy... that dubbing... ugh! Top honours goes to the one voice-actor who gives one of the most half-ass, banal line readings I ever heard. It's amazingly bad. And you'll know who I'm talking about.