I got to see this twice in theatres in Seattle. It explores themes like gentrification and immigration in some really compelling, unique ways.
While the topics explored in the movie can be heavy and difficult, it didn't leave me feeling depressed or hopeless. I think part of the reason for this is that you spend most of the movie hanging out with two young people who seem very authentically portrayed, and meeting the people that are important to them in their lives. All of the central characters get to be flawed, complex, fully realized humans, and that makes it feel a lot like real life (but if real life had meticulous cinematography).
I sensed a lot of love in this movie--for the characters, for their communities, and for the city's displaced people.
Seattle has already changed so much since this film was made. It's rare that a movie captures a time and place the way this one does. Definitely recommend giving it a try!