This series is unlike any other series you will see and I will explain in a few small reasons why.
First, the series seems very traditional in the beginning, and the acting seems strange, and I did not think I would want to complete it, but I was shocked by the improvement that occurs from the first episode in the first season to the last of the season, and the development continues in everything in the story and events and the representation of Idris Elba, which improves in each episode and Every season. The series reaches its climax in the third season and whoever does not follow it has wasted a lot of his or her life.
My favorite character is Alice, she is the best character in the show.
I am sad and worried that the show may come out from the list of the best in AMDB, but as you know the fifth season is weak, but this is the case for all series.
My rating for each season is as follows
The first season was held at 8.9 out of 10
The second season I give it 9.0
Season three I give it 9.7 out of 10
Season 4 i give it 8.5
Season 5 i give it 7.0
The show is relly good