"Enola Holmes 2" is the compelling sequel to "Enola Holmes" and, fortunately for the first film's fans, this one is better than the original! Now, Enola runs her own detective agency, and takes on her first official case, which is to find a lost young woman. This mystery is more complicated than the one in its predecessor, the stakes are higher, fourth-wall breaking is used even more often (and makes the film even funnier), martial arts fighting is more intense and jaw-dropping, period detail is more elaborate and Milly Bobby Brown delivers a more polished performance than in the first movie. A large portion of the premise is based on a true story, which is rooted in women's rights, feminism and female empowerment, themes explored more thoroughly in this installment, and can provide food for thought and conversations. Enola remains an incredible role model for girls (but not only) all over the world thanks to her resourcefulness, power, persistence and above all, her ready wit. This movie also sheds (unexpectedly) light on the preposterous differences and inequality between the impoverished, working-class people and the affluent, pompous ones, who oppress and degrade the formers. Apart from the gripping storyline (filled with mystery and humour), there is a message about the abilities and talents of a person that should be valued and recognized regardless of their gender, social class, colour, race or job. It is recommended to everyone who enjoyed the first film -it's sure they will be delighted by this one, which is an even more entertaining and fulfilling picture than the previous.