Plot: Twin brothers (Vel and Vasu) get separated. One is brought up in the city and another in a village. While Vel is all brawn and protects his village from an Ex-MLA (Sakara Pandi), Vasu is all brain and works in a detective agency. What will happen when the brothers meet?
This is a wonderful film and I had great time watching it. The film is directed by Hari, who later on 2010 directs Singam. Singam is one of the most iconic film of the genre and Vel has lots of similarity with Singam. The look, feel, dialogue, actions and comedy all feels like an alternate version of Singam. This is a treat for any lovers of south-Indian film.
Suriya is an amazing actor and I love his work. He has done a phenomenal job in this film. He plays two roles and does it with ease. I liked his chemistry with Asin. There were lots of comedy scenes, Vadivelu did great in his role. The songs were nice and beautifully shot. The fight scenes were nice lots of fights with knives and fists.
This is a mass action, comedy and family entertainer. I loved the film. From start to finish the film flows smoothly. Highly recommended for any Suriya fans.